Bring Him Back Dead and There was a Crooked Man, by Day Keene. Bring Him Back Dead and There was a Crooked Man were paperback originals published in 1954 and 1956 by Fawcett Gold Medal. The edition that caught my eye is the Lancer “2-for-1” edition published in 1963. On the front cover, in large orange type is the claim, “Revised for this edition” and I’m unsure the amount of revision made between the original books publication and this edition. Each title has its own cover in vivid yellows and blues, denoting violence and sensuality. The artist(s): Unknown (to me at least)
The first sentence from Bring Him Back Dead:
Latour awakened, reluctantly.
The first sentence from There was a Crooked Man:
BRING HIM BACK DEAD is a great little read. One of my favorite Keene stories. And very short. If I remember right the GM paperback is just a tab over 100 pages.