Friday, September 06, 2024

Praise for "Casinos, Motels, Gators"


I’ve been holding onto this bit of news for so long, three months and a day for anyone counting, that it feels (almost) sacrilegious to post about it now. But I’ve never been one to let a little discomfort keep me from annoying my three loyal readers. So…I’m sharing this wonderful review novelist and blogger James Reasoner wrote for my collection, Casinos, Motels, Gators, all the way back on June 5. He liked it, and from his kind words I’m comfortable saying, he really liked it.

Here’s a sampling of some of my favorite parts of James’s review:

I really like Ben Boulden’s writing. His prose is as terse and tough and hardboiled as any you’ll find these days.

I’d previously referred to “121” as a Manhunt story for the 21st Century. Having reread it and read the other two Jimmy Ford stories, I’d say that not only would the series have worked in Manhunt, it would have been right at home in the late Seventies/early Eighties issues of Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine. With some adjustment to the trappings, they could have even been Black Mask stories in the early Thirties. Boulden’s writing has definite echoes of Paul Cain, Raoul Whitfield, and Frederick Nebel.

Casinos, Motels, Gators is one of the best books I’ve read this year.

You can read James Reasoner’s entire review here. When you’re done reading the review, do yourself (and me) a favor and read Casinos, Motels, Gators.

Casinos, Motels, Gators is available in Kindle, including Kindle Unlimited, here and as a trade paperback here.

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