Monday, October 21, 2024

From Ed Gorman's Desk: "Every Shallow Cut"


from ED GORMAN’S Desk

Every Shallow Cut
by Tom Piccirilli

from Jan. 29, 2011


There’s a long tradition in American literature of writers using their mental and spiritual breakdowns as material for their work. Certainly Poe’s phantasmagoric moments allude to his sometimes tenuous grip on reality; Jack London traveled to Whitechapel to see if The Ripper was worth writing about and ended up in an asylum—drunk and temporarily insane; F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about how his personal crash coincided with the market crash of ’29 in both the infamous The Crack Up and in the wan sad opening lines of “Babylon Revisited;” and Fredrick Exley’s masterpiece A Fan’s Notes is nothing but a poetically and clinically detailed charting of alcoholism and dislocation and madness.

Tom Piccirilli’s new novella Every Shallow Cut indirectly owes its title to a line on page 139. The novelist-narrator, wasted and wandering, possessor of both murderous thoughts as well as a hand gun, is told by a writer friend who suggests he might be better off in a mental hospital for a time: “I can feel every shallow cut you’ve ever suffered in it [the writer’s new manuscript], all of them still bleeding, tearing wider and becoming deeper. You can die from a paper cut if it becomes infected.”

And that’s what Tom deals with in the novella. Infection. An infected narrator, an infected world.

The narrator—an esteemed novelist with a trunk load of literary awards and an empty bank account. “A pore lonesome wife-left feller” as Nelson Algren said of one of his characters. Groping for some kind of understanding of all the things that torment him—being fat for so much of his life (though no longer), his resentful relationship with his older brother and the publishing world’s indifference to anything except commercial success.

The world is even more infected than the narrator. There are many references to the market crash—jobs lost, houses and cars repossessed, millions of people, much like the narrator, wandering, seeking, as baffled and hurt as he is. He even sends up the publishing business by spoofing some of the books that are hot tickets. My favorite is the one where the archangel comes back to earth to manage a kids’ baseball team.

I love the writing here. It is stripped down to a kind of Charles Willeford-Charles Williams simplicity that is all the more effective for its bluntness and accessibility. The dialogue is dead-on. The man’s relationship with his dog Churchill could have been the one false treacly note but Tom makes it work perfectly. No cutesy-poo.

Tom Piccirilli has written many fine books and stories but at this point in his career, for me anyway, I would call Every Shallow Cut his masterpiece.


Click here to check out Every Shallow Cut at Amazon.

This article originally appeared on Ed Gorman’s blog, New Improved Gorman, on Jan. 29, 2011. It is reprinted here by permission. Ed wrote dozens of novels in a variety of genres, but his most popular work (and my favorite of his work) was in the crime and western genres. His ten Sam McCain mysteries—set in the fictional Iowa town of Black River Falls during the 1950s, ’60, and ’70s—are suspenseful, mysterious, and often funny excursions into small town America. The New York Times called Sam McCain, “The kind of hero any small town could take to its heart” and The Seattle Times called McCain “an intriguing mix of knight errant and realist…”

     But Ed was also a tireless reader and promoter of other writers’ work. His blogs—there were three, none of them operating at the same time—are treasure troves for readers of crime, horror, and western fiction both old and new. Ed died Oct. 14, 2016.


Click here to check out Ed Gorman’s Sam McCain novels on Amazon.

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