I did a little sample—very unscientific—on Amazon this morning to see how many new western titles they currently have scheduled for release in August. The total: 34. Of these 34 titles 14 of them are large print editions, 18 are mass-market paperbacks, and two are hardcover. It should be noted that the bulk of the large print editions are also in hardcover.
By my reckoning nearly all of the large print editions are reprints; the 18 mass-markets are a mixture of original and reprints—probably about 50-50. And the two hardcover editions are both reprints: Peter Dawson and Lewis B. Patten. So out of the 34 titles scheduled for sale on Amazon in August, nine or ten of them are original, and of that number probably half are from an adult western series like Longarm, The Gunsmith, The Trailsman, etc.
Which means that in August we will have a total of five or six original western novels published and available through Amazon. Wow. The western novel really is disappearing. Buy’em while you can. While I'm thinking about it, are there any viable markets--print or Internet based--that still publish western short stories?
A selection of the titles that will be available in August:
Cavalry Man: Doom Weapon by Ed Gorman, Aug. 1
Death Head Crossing by James Reasoner, Aug. 7
Remember the Alamo by William W. Johnstone, Aug. 7
The Mother Lode: A Man of Honor Novel by Gary Franklin, Aug. 7
Ralph Compton’s The Bloody Trail by Ralph Compton & Marcus Galloway, Aug. 7
The Fugitive by Max Brand, Aug. 28
Heaven is a Long Way Off: A Novel of the Mountain Men by Win Blevins, Aug. 28
Night Riders by Giff Cheshire, Aug. 28
A note: I'm excited by a couple of these offerings--Cavalry Man: Doom Weapon by Ed Gorman and Death Head Crossing by James Reasoner. I have never read a novel by Reasoner, although I have read several of his short stories, including a few westerns and enjoyed each of them. Especially Hacendado.
That’s true and it’s a shame. Plus, two thirds of that shrinking western bookshelf is comprised of L’Amour and Johnstone titles. My problem is that out of those nine new, non-series titles you mention the average bookstore client won’t see a single one. It’s bad enough that westerns are confined to a corner bookshelf (sometimes it’s next to True Crime, sometimes it’s next to Mystery and sometimes the books are just placed among the general fiction titles) but the worst part is that the stores are not even carrying them, especially if they happen to come from independent publishers. Five Star publishes several westerns and I’m sure there are other outlets that put out westerns (does anyone in the U.S. carry the UK’s Black Horse westerns? They put out numerous titles each month and it’d sure be nice to get them at a decent price instead of the outrageous amount of money they go for on the internet). I’ve never seen a single new independent western title in any of the chain bookstores in the DC area. I’m sure it’s the same in most big cities.
I live in the West--Salt Lake City--and the western selection at all of the major bookstores (the independents are mostly long gone) is a joke. B&N had them next to the true crime section, but they recently moved them to the end shelf next to the romance novels, and Borders stashes them in a little four-foot high shelf between true crime and mystery/thrillers.
I did see my first Five Star outside of a library (thank heavens for libraries) at a local B&N--it was a copy of Johnny D. Boggs WALK PROUD, STAND TALL. I need to go back an purchase it.
You have a very interesting and enjoyable blog, but I would like to submit a divergent view on this issue. I'm a lifelong western fan, and have written a few in my time. It seems to me that too much of the currently faddish griping about the present state of the western market comes from writers and agents with a vested interest in it. As for Borders and B&N, if more people read westerns, those places would carry and promote them more tha they do. Sure, I find the selection in those dumps to be limited but what do you expect, shopping at some blando chain outlest? I find a similarly small slection of blues in the CD section and in the small documentary section in the DVD section. So screw 'em--that's why we have Amazon, Alibris, etc. You want any book out there, they'll get it to you in a few days. As a reader, how can we decry the "decline" of a genre when you've just listed eight new titles, not counting the Trailsman, Gunsmith, etc.? Okay, forget the house name series if you want to, although some of our best current genre writers (including some on that list of eight) are currently writing many of those series entries; still, with eight new titles a month on average, that's close to 100 books per year. That's more westerns than I'll probably get around to reading in a lifetime. Yeah, it's too bad that today isn't yesterday, when Roy & Hoppy ruled...but I don't see the western as going anywhere anytime soon.
--Stephen Mertz
You make some good and accurate points Stephen. I feel like I'm Chevy-doggin' here a little--you know, the little dogs guys used to put on the dash of their trucks with the bobble heads that would nod continuously. That's me.;)
Anyway, the market for westerns has deteriorated in recent times, and your point about the major chains is accurate: If westerns sold better they would carry more of them. It is a numbers game, and, like all of us, the publishers and bookstores want to roll a profit. If their revenue is higher on thriller lines than mystery or western, they are going to package and market more thrillers, which will bring higher profits and more competition as other houses get in for a quick buck. Which brings me to my point: Why don't the writers and agents--not to mention the publishers--market their products better? Or is the reading customer so far removed from the idea of the western that the product can no longer be viably marketed in mass quantities anymore?
Is there a way publishers, writers and agents can reposition the product in the consumers mind or is the genre truly in decline?
Ironically I was at the library this morning, and they had six new westerns on their "New Arrivals" shelf. Needless to say I picked a couple up.
I never said that I bought my westerns exclusively at Borders or B&N and yet it sure would be nice to see them on bookshelves, especially when it comes to occasional readers who otherwise wouldn't know of their existence. I agree with all of Stephen's points except for the fact that I believe his supply-demand explanation is not as clear cut as he thinks. If the chain bookstores actually promoted their westerns a bit more, they would certainly sell accordingly (and the same goes for many other titles and genres). I see no point in flooding a store with hundreds of copies of the latest James Patterson only to end up selling a bunch of them at 1/4 price one month later. That's a waste of energy and money that could sure go to better use (and I know the way these best-sellers are promoted involve contracts between the bookstore and the publishers). It's just that I believe that seeing all the good authors that are writing westerns these days I think more promotion would drastically increase the number of people interested in the genre. This I believe is also one of the reasons why movies like Open Range or TV series like Deadwood become surprise hits. There is an underlying interest for western stories and I think no one has fully tapped into it.
I don't think the promotion of any product is the responsibility of the reseller. Most stores, particularly the large corporate chains, use a per-square-foot revenue metric to measure the success or failure of any product they stock; grocery stores and super-markets actually charge a slotting fee to stock a new product, and if the product doesn't meet their per-square-foot quota they sometimes charge a failure fee to the manufacturer / distributor. Which discourages smaller companies from getting their products on the shelves--not fair, but the way things are. I don't know, but bookstores may use similar tactics.
My concern with the western genre is the lack of buzz. I don't hear, or read, anything about new titles. The publishers and writers need to do a better job of getting their products noticed. They need to get write-ups on blogs, promote themselves with more attractive and interactive websites.
A good example of a good website is the Dorchester site--it is easy to find their most recent publications, and even get a preview of their upcoming titles. Unfortunately this isn't the case for other publishers who still offer a western line--the Pinnacle website is a great example of a poorly designed and hard to use site.
The bottom line is the western genre needs to create a grass-roots buzz. They need to reposition themselves as a progressive story telling vehicle that appeals beyond baby-boomer males, and I think many of the westerns being published today really could be enjoyed by a much wider audience. But people need to hear about them, and be comfortable purchasing them on the Internet without the ability to hold the actual books in their hands and make the decision to buy.
I don't know to what extent if at all the revenue metric system is used when selling books but I do know booksellers and publishers sign costly agreements to promote certain titles and that does end up taking up a lot of space in the store, not to mention dollars that could go to other products.
Anyway, I agree that's not the only way to promote a book. Western writers and readers should take a cue from their noir counterparts and create a vibrant internet presence with blogs, author websites and online publications. Russell Davis' Westerns for Today blog is a good step in that direction. Likewise, the WWA site could be more active and maybe start a blog. Then again, I guess this all starts from us readers. If anyone wants to start an online publication, I'm willing to help. Those of us who are interested in more exposure for westerns could learn something from reading this article on web noir:
The idea of starting a western exclusive blog / website / e-zine is an interesting one. Maybe do reviews, interviews, and articles on the western genre for both today and yesterday. A lot of work, but if we could find several regular contributors it could be a great gathering place for the genre.
I tried the link to the article in your last comment GB, but it wouldn't go through.
1.- I could put up some money to maintain the website and periodically write book reviews and the occasional interview or feature. I review books for Spanish publications already so it wouldn’t be much of a problem. I know nothing about web design, however, and I think that that if anyone undertakes such an initiative the homepage should look as slick as, say, the Thrilling Detective website or Demolition magazine. If you’re interested, why don’t you drop me an email and maybe we can exchange ideas?
2.- For some reason, I’ve never been able to post a link on a blog (more proof of my Internet skills). I suggest you go to morningnews.org and then type “web noir” on the search function. That worked for me.
I run an online magazine based around the UK-published Black Horse Western line. I do it from New Zealand. That should make no difference these days, but the amount of support I get is minimal -- mainly from the same handful of people around the globe, and mostly writers at that. I can tell anyone embarking on a similar venture, it's as hard a task as writing a book. The quarterly deadlines, which I impose on myself and adhere to religiously, are a nightmare. I have to do a lot of the writing, all the editing and all the website work, for which I've had no formal training/instruction.
The time aspect is my major concern with launching something beyond a blog. I have little experience with website building, and it seems scary. If we could find someone who was willing to do the HTML, Flash, or whatever they are using these days it would make the whole process simpler, and in my mind, more doable.
I think--as a start at least--maybe either put together a blog or do a western ring of blogs where reviews, interviews, and other tidbits about the genre can be found. If we could simply put together a list of forthcoming titles each month, that would be a start. I don't know if there is an easy way gather the information, but if anyone has any ideas I am all ears--or eyes in this case.
Chap--is it "Black Horse Extra" you run? If so it looks good--there is an amazing amount of detail and inforamtion on the site. I particularly like the interviews. Out of curiousity how many contributors do you have for your ezine?
An interesting discussion, and I wish I could contribute some more detailed thoughts, but...
1) Publishing is a reader-driven business. Publishers publish what readers demand. It's not a theory, but simple fact. That said, we need all the bookstores to highlight their westerns more and the first step to doing this is to ask them. When more readers SEE westerns, more will buy and more will ask. The information will (and does) flow upward to the publishers.
2) There is a blog - mine - which reviews westerns, comments on the state of the genre, etc. It's called Westerns for Today and is at http://westernsfortoday.blogspot.com.
3) I'll let the archives on my blog do the rest of my talking for me.
Russell Davis
Russell makes a good point about bookstores. When I ask the local B&N to order a book for me they usually order a copy for me and one for display.
As readers maybe we need to focus more on ordering through brick and mortar stores and less through Amazon and other online venues when we can. Maybe, just maybe, they will order two copies--and hopefully someone else will see and purchase the other.
I have also reviewed several westerns here at Gravetapping, and since I started tracking my traffic--about two weeks ago--I actually get quite a few visits for my western reviews; more on average per reveiw than the other genres I review. The two reviews that get the most hits are: THE FIRE ARROW by Richard S. Wheeler and HELLFIRE CANYON by Max McCoy.
Ben -- I can count on four (yes, only four) people to feed me material on a regular basis for Black Horse Extra. It was much the same when I ran Black Horse Express along similar lines to the Extra. (The Express is now run differently and is mainly the archived material gathered in earlier times.) The publishers of the BHW books, Robert Hale Ltd, are supportive but not in a position to supply or pay for the promotional articles I feature. They do now have halebooks.com, a commercially supplied site where the books are listed and can be bought online. I consider Russell's Westerns For Today blog a good opportunity for western readers/writers to get behind the genre and wish more people would post comments there. I give readers the chance to supply feedback to the Extra -- and get a pleasing number of congratulations -- but it's not the same as ongoing daily debate such as can be held here or by Russell.
I believe Russell's comments on publishing being a reader-driven business are spot on. When I leave the DC area and go to bookstores in places such as southern Virginia, the western selection tends to be much larger so it's not as if the chain stores aren't willing to carry more titles.
I think creating a blog between 2-3 persons is not that difficult. Its content could be renewed once a week and doesn't have to exclusively consist of book reviews if reading and reviewing a book every couple of weeks is too demanding on the blog managers or their schedules. After all, we all have lives and jobs outside the Internet. The blog could run interviews and also cover movies, TV series, comics and anything that helps give the genre more exposure. The reviews shouldn't necessarily be the latest releases. If they're still on sale somewhere, it means somebody can buy them and eventually generate more interest in the genre. A periodical list of new releases would certainly be helpful as well.
I did mention Russell Davis' blog above as I like it a lot. Nonetheless, since it's his own initiative, I didn't think it was right to tell him what to do nor whether he should grant space on his blog to material written by other people.
In any event, given how the western genre's Internet presence is not particularly strong, I don't think a new blog would be redundant. Although I don't have any numbers, I believe the Internet noir sites have generated a lot of buzz for new titles and I don't see why that couldn't be replicated with westerns, albeit on a smaller scale.
Finally, there's always the periodic revival of interest for the genre that a blog could capitalize on. These surges tend to be short-lived but maybe they could be seen as openings to attract a few more readers. I understand that the new Lonesome Dove miniseries with Val Kilmer and Steve Zahn will air in November. That looks to me like a small window of opportunity to gain more exposure although I'm sure that people who have more experience in the publishing and/or entertainment industry are the only ones who caould know to what extent this assesment is valid.
Still, I think a cooperative blog or a website is worth a shot.
The fifteen comments in this thread so far are an indication to me that blog forums do already exist where the owners are happy to see comment and discussion. Another indication -- and a very clear one -- is the mission statement under the main heading for Russell's blog. If anyone thinks they have a good idea for a new thread, maybe they could send Russell a personal message. To backtrack a bit -- yes, plenty of new westerns are being published. The task is promotion: to bring them to the attention of the reading public. That can mean getting them displayed in bricks-and-mortar stores. It can also include Net ventures of all kinds. Ultimately, the new books have to be bought . . . by yourself or maybe your local public library . . . and READ!
1. I agree that a blog with weekly updates wouldn't be overly taxing to operate if we could get two, three, or even better, more regular contributors. We could do interviews, reviews and even basic reminiscence pieces about the genre. "The day I discovered Louis L'Amour"-type stuff.
2. There is a readership for westerns. They still sell a good deal of Louis L'Amour as well as William W. Johnstone titles, and it seems that part of the problem is getting that market to purchase other titles. Speaking of Johnstone, does anyone know who is writing the new books being released under his moniker? Are they better than the titles he wrote?
3. I also enjoy Russell Davis' Westerns for Today, and I also wish there was more discussion over there. But alas.
4. Another question I have been pondering on: Would it be better to have a western exclusive blog, or a blog that is intergrated with other genres? I read Bookgasm regularly, and I enjoy that it reviews books from several different genres, and I discover books that I wouldn't normally find. Would the western genre benefit from a site that attracts a wider audience than an exclusive blog would? Maybe they come to read a thriller review and end up finding a western that sounds great.
Wow... lots more comments, and still so little time in the day.
I appreciate the compliments on my blog from Ben and Chap. I specifically chose to focus on the Western genre because there didn't seem to be a lot of web-based resources geared toward the reader who was truly interested in westerns.
I'm very open to ideas and am willing to consider a "guest blog" from time to time, with the caveat that I do reserve the right to say no to something that I don't want posted as a main topic.
The goal of my blog is to promote POSITIVE dialog and action as it pertains to westerns. Too often, much of the commentary I see on the web is negative and sounds suspiciously like folks have already decided to give up on the genre.
Still, I welcome anyone to comment on my blog, send me ideas, and keep the dialog going. Another thing people can do (aside from my earlier mention) is to hit the message boards on places like Louis L'Amour's website, and spread the word about my blog, Black Horse Westerns, other western-related blogs, etc.
Our first goal should be simply to get people out looking and talking.
Hey! I also complimented your blog ;) (I even suggested two topics a while back: a canon of western novels and a list of current writers).
I think that among the many other genres (romace, noir, thrillers, etc.) westerns are probably the most "underserved" in the sense that their overall web presence is pretty weak. Other than Russell's blog, the rest is for the most a bunch of static websites.
Would the participants in this discussion be willing to be part of a new blog that's with weekly posts? If so, maybe we could discuss some ideas privately. Russell and Chap are more involved with the publishing industry. Ben runs an excellent blog by himself. Myself, I worked as a business journalist both in the U.S. and elsewhere and I can certainly meet deadlines. I presently review books (mostly mainstream fiction) for Spanish-language publications but I could still fit a monthly blog post into my schedule (whether it's a review, an article or an interview with an author, it doesn't matter). Do you think it's worth a shot?
This is part of an email I sent to GB this morning: I think your idea for a western blog is a good one, and I would be willing to participate. My time, like everyones, is limited, but one or two posts a month wouldn't be terribly demanding. I have been thinking alot about what Stephen Mertz said at the beginning of the discussion, and I think we should focus on the positive aspects--for the most part--of the quantity and overall quality of the original titles being offered by publishers both large and small, as well as the reprints. From Five Star to Berkley to Leisure and beyond.
At least you can find westerns in book stores in America. They disappeared in the UK many, many years ago. The internet stores such as Amazon being the only easy way to buy them these days.
As to spreading the word about westerns I own the Yahoo group FrontierTimes (for western fiction fans) and like many chat groups it has a largish membership (including readers and authors) but only a small amount of them who post comments - indeed it is thanks to a post there that I found this blog. Out of about 160 members only around two or three regually post reviews (me being the main one).
Stephen Mertz is right on target saying there are some great writers behind the adult series that weren't included above.
Oh yeah, the writers behind the William W. Johnstone name are printed on the covers of the books.
I'm glad you found the place Steve. Dialogue is the best way to spread the word and get people excited about anything--it creates a buzz. I'll have to stop by FrontierTimes and look around.
I actually have a bunch of the adult series books; mostly from the Longarm and The Gunsmith series. I know Robert Randisi writes the The Gunsmith, and I have enjoyed many of his westerns, not to mention mysteries. It was his novel MIRACLE OF THE JACAL that brought me back to reading westerns five or six years ago. I had faded--like so many others--away from the genre, but MIRACLE reminded me just how good westerns can be.
I actually found a good majority of the early Longarm novels written by Harry Whittington a year or so ago at a library book sale, and I have been slowly making my way through them, and enjoying every minute.
Thanks for the info on Johnstone. I didn't know he had died until a few days ago--I had noticed many of his recent titles were co-authored by a J.A. Johnstone, but didn't think much of it. But a few days I was checking my traffic stats and one of the searches that brought a reader here was "William W. Johnstone Obituary." Oy.
Thanks to Ben Boulden for his comments on my books, and I'm glad Miracle brought him back to westerns. I'm flattered. And whoever said that the ghost authors on the Johnstone books get cover credit was wrong. They do not. That happens on the Ralph Compton books, though.
Some of the best writers in this genre ARE writing Longarm and Logan and Trailsman. Five Star has limited distribution, but they do get into libraries and Leisure reprints a lot of them, particularly those by Johnny Boggs. I do reprints AND originals for Leisure, and my last two of 6 original westerns for HarperTorch will be out this year and next. I am continuing to do Gunsmith, having just delivered #317, and am working on Giant Gunsmith #13 at the moment. Because of the Gunsmith westerns have been a large part of my income for over twenty years (mysteries being the the part). I have written them under my own name and about 15 others over the years. At the moment, however, I'll only be doing original Gunsmiths, and originals for Leisure, until some other publiher decides to do them again. And that WILL happen. Someone else will come along and try for a while, but Leisure seems to have the proper formula for doing them well and distributing them well.
Thanks for the kind words regarding "Hacendado". I love writing short stories and it's nice to know that someone has read and remembered some of them. And I certainly hope you enjoy DEATH HEAD CROSSING. It's the first Western under my name in a long time, but I'm still writing them regularly under various house names. I enjoyed your reviews and intend to go back through the archives and see what else you've been reading.
Bob--You're welcome. I've been a fan since I read ALONE WITH THE DEAD seven or so years ago. I enjoyed all of the Joe Keough novels, and was sad to see them end.
I like the positive attitude you have about westerns: "I'll only be doing original Gunsmiths, and originals for Leisure, until some other publiher decides to do them again. And that WILL happen."
My question in response is: Has Harper dropped their western line? I have also heard rumors that Pinnacle has decided to drop their western line, is there any truth to that rumor? If so, what lines other than Leisure, will still be around in a year from now?
I'm fortunate enough to live in a city that has a wonderful library system. We get a good majority of the Five Star releases--both western and mystery--and a large portion of the Avalon hardcovers as well as the paperbacks put out by Leisure, Berkley, Harper, Pinnacle, Signet, etc. In fact I picked up Johnny Boggs latest Five Star release yesterday--NORTHFIELD.
James--thanks for the kind words. I love to read, and this blog is my outlet to the world, kind of.;) I have been a voracious reader for years, and while I have never read a novel you published under your own name I probably have read one you wrote under a house name or pseudonym--I do have a copy of the third TALES OF DEADWOOD novel you wrote under the Mike Jameson nom de plume. I just need to get it read.
I hope you enjoy a few of my reviews, etc. And come back often.;)
Bob, I have some of the new William Johnstone books and they do have another name printed on the front under Johnstone's name in very small print.
For instance THE LAST GUNFIGHTER: SAVAGE COUNTRY says 'with Fred Austin'. THE LAST GUNFIGHTER: THE DEVIL'S LEGION says 'with J.A. Johnston. The new A TOWN CALLED FURY series also say withh J.A. Johnston. Perhaps I'm wrong in assuming these are the people writing the books?
This is a common theme among the writers and lovers of western novels. But the more we talk about it, the more something might happen to change the current status quo. Interestingly, though, the popularity of Westerns waxes and wanes. Every five or so years some publishers cancel their Western lists, only to start them up again a few years later. Maybe the pattern corresponds to the latest McMurtry bestseller being made into a TV move ... maybe not. Whatever the cause, the ebb and flow of the industry is something Western authors have to live with.
Having more blogs on the subject is great. I have one, although I'm far behind in my postings due to illness. There is an excellent one on Black Horse Westerns (out of England) run by several excellent writers (http://www.blackhorsewesterns.org/), a blog supported by the publisher. Others include:
as well as a host of pages on Western information.
The Westerns always seem to survive, no matter the assumed tastes of the public, editorial directives, or uninformed retailers and distributors. As long as the works of Louis L'Amour and William W. Johnson and Ralph Compton continue to sell (despite the authors' current deceased status), there will be space on the bookshelves for Westerns, even a few new ones.
So, keep talking about Westerns, blogging about Westerns, and even try writing one.
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