A few Internet searches—one site was in Japanese and another had a racket to sell me porn protection, whatever that is—a few misleads, and a little advice from a reader have led me to a pseudonym used by J.C. Pollock in the mid-1990s.
The pseudonym: James Elliott.
A couple Internet articles made the assumption that the James Elliott pseudonym belonged to husband and wife writing team Jim and Carolyn Hougan who write under the name John Case, but I found an article on Variety that made the connection between Pollock and Elliott. The pertinent portion of the Variety article said:
Pollock's credits include the novel "Mission MIA," which was the basis for the film "Uncommon Valor," starring Gene Hackman; and "Cold Cold Heart" (written under the pseudonym James Elliot), which was optioned to John McTiernan. Pollock has also optioned part of his forthcoming novel "Sometimes When We Touch" to Quentin Tarantino.
J.C. Pollock published two novels under the Elliot moniker—Cold, Cold Heart in 1994 and Nowhere to Hide in 1996. I vaguely remember the covers—especially the cover of Cold, Cold Heart—but I have never read, or even considered reading, either of them. Hopefully one of the few remaining used bookstores around here has a copy of one or both so I can at least take a look at them. Now I just need to figure out what happened to the Sometimes When We Touch novel that was optioned to Quentin Tarrantino. Hmmm. Any ideas?
J.C. Pollock published two novels under the Elliot moniker—Cold, Cold Heart in 1994 and Nowhere to Hide in 1996. I vaguely remember the covers—especially the cover of Cold, Cold Heart—but I have never read, or even considered reading, either of them. Hopefully one of the few remaining used bookstores around here has a copy of one or both so I can at least take a look at them. Now I just need to figure out what happened to the Sometimes When We Touch novel that was optioned to Quentin Tarrantino. Hmmm. Any ideas?
There is also a film—End Game—starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Anne Archer, and written by J.C. Pollock released straight to DVD in 2006. The same guy? Maybe.
If any of you see any errors with my analysis, or have any new information, please share.
If any of you see any errors with my analysis, or have any new information, please share.
UPDATE. (4-Aug-2008). Good news. I received an email from J. C. Pollock over the weekend and he confirmed the James Elliott pseudonym is his, that he wrote the screenplay for the film End Game (he was disappointed with the end result), and (here comes the really good news)he has a new feature film being produced by New Line Cinema titled The Venus Fixer, and there is another published novel under the Elliott moniker; End Game. There is no relationship with the film other than the title.
I was a huge J.C. Pollock fan in my high school years. I owned all of his novels in paperback, and recently picked each up in hardcover. After reading your site, I picked up the two James Elliott novels. The writing style is very much the same, although I found much of the material in Cold, Cold Heart (regarding a serial killer) to be pretty graphic and grotesque. Nowhere to Hide (regarding a mafia murder) is a GREAT novel, and I highly recommend to any Pollock fan.
Any recommendations on authors with similar styles?
I'm glad to hear NOWHERE TO HIDE is great. I haven't read it yet, but I will.
As far as authors with similar styles I've been thinking about it for a few days, and I'm not coming up with anything wonderful, but I do have a couple authors you may enjoy. The first is Greg Dinallo--he wrote four or five novels in the early-Nineties, and the one I really remember is FINAL ANSWERS--it is a fairly original take on the Vietnam MIA/POW storyline. As I recall, a businessman discovers his name on Vietnam Memorial, and the rest of the novel is him trying to solve the mystery of why he is listed. Pretty cool when I read it thirteen or fourteen years ago.
The second is Barry Sandler's THE SHOOTER, which I reviewed here on Gravetapping a few months ago--it is an MIA/POW story that while not near the level of Pollock's MISSION MIA, a pretty good read.
The third, one that you have probably read is David Morrell, particularly is work in the 1980s--it is a little more literate than Pollock, and longer, but I really enjoyed everything he wrote in the 80s, especially THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE ROSE and its two sequels, as well as THE FIFTH PROFESSION and ASSUMED IDENTITY; although AI is more in the category of Robert Ludlum than J.C. Pollock.
I'll keep thinking and watching. Are there any writers/novels you think Pollock fans would enjoy?
I meant to include Stephen Hunter on my original list, but I forgot--if you haven't read him, find one of his Bob Lee Swagger novels and dig in.
I also just picked up a thriller by Leonard B. Scott, while I haven't started it yet, the storyline sounds like soemthing Pollock would have written.
Liked Dinallo alot. Also maybe try Guy Durham. He only published one, but it was good.
I am in Charlottesville, VA right now (1/31/2008 at 5:30PM) and I have J.C. Pollock sitting in front of me. Really nice guy. He confirmed he wrote under James Elliot. He says that Nowhere to Hide is going to start filming in July with Halle Berry playing the lead. They were going to film last year, but she turned up pregnant.
Anonymous: That is great news. I'm glad J.C. Pollock is there, and even better that he was the writer behind the two James Elliott novels--what ever happened to the third? And if Pollock ever reads this, or anyone else who knows, is it the same J.C. Pollock who wrote the screenplay for END GAME?
And, why not shoot for the moon, if anyone can arrange it, I would love to do a brief interview with Pollock here at Gravetapping.
I am the "anonymous" first poster. I thought I'd come back to thank everyone for the great suggestions. I LOVE Greg Dinallo's books. Own them all now, and the only one left to read is Red Ink. I'm also now very into Stephen Hunter, Stephen Coonts, and LOVE the series by Charlie Huston: Caught Stealing, Six Bad Things, and A Dangerous Man. Another Huston book, The Shotgun Rule, is also a great read.
My wife suggested I read a few of her Jeffrey Archer books, which I really enjoyed.
Why is J.C. Pollock such a mystery? Anyone know anything about this great talented author? Any information would be great.
You have made my day with the news that Nowhere to Hide will start filming this year. I heard back in the late 90's that it was going to be made in to a movie. How exciting you met Mr. Pollock. I grew up in Charlottesville, lovely area, for those who have never visited, it's a great weekend escape. Lot's to do outdoors, historic sites to visit, and the Downtown mall has wonderful restaurants.
I was looking for this information, thanks for put in this easy way, I mean in a easy way to understand it jajaja, well until the next time
I am currently reading "Cold Cold Heart" by J.C. Pollock aka James Elliott.Alas, there appears to be a hole in the story. Has anyone found it other than myself? Thank you.
Dennis De Rose
Moneysaver Editing
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